ART IN MOTION: The Tetris Phenomenon

Since its creation in 1984, Tetris has undoubtedly been one of the most influential video games in popular culture. Throughout history, the Tetris effect has manifested in various domains, with its language transcending both mental and visual boundaries. The artistic revolution of the 1980s, marked by Pop Art, embraced the video game, incorporating it into the movement and introducing new trends such as the use of pixels and early computing. This evolution fostered the creation of order from chaos, encouraged mental agility, and restructured forms intuitively, focusing on creation rather than destruction.

The art exhibition we present is part of an urban language, deeply fragmented by each brushstroke of the artist, much like the pixels that form an image on an electronic screen. Ultimately, these elements harmoniously create a universe of colors, shapes, and concepts that represent the culture, experiences, influences, and creativity of each of our artists.

Today, we celebrate 40 years of the TETRIS brand with an art exhibition brimming with creativity, color, art, and diverse artistic expressions. It embodies freedom of thought the essence of the brand.

With the support of G FUEL, we have been able to bring and present this diverse, creative, and original art exhibition, as vibrant and unique as the beautiful city of Miami, which today stands as one of the world’s greatest epicenters of the artistic movement.

We invite you to visit our art exhibition and enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed organizing it.
